Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Class Protist Lab-Euglena

This past week we looked at Euglena and Paramecium in science class. It was fun and challenging to look at live organisms under the microscope. They didn't always stay still and focusing was tricky. We took pictures and some video of the microorganisms. Good job to all the students. These are Euglena, a unicellular and autotrophic organism. They are extremely small even under the microscope. Video (40x) and picture (10x) from Ashley's microscope. Well done Ashley P.!


Anonymous said...

what if the microscope was on 10x would it still be really small?

Anonymous said...

40x means that the image you are looking at is magnified forty times the normal size it actually is. If the video we took was 10x instead of 40x then the image would have been smaller, only ten times the normal size.
This video of the euglena at 40x was the best we took. It was very difficult to focus clearly because they are fast swimmers. They also can move deeper in the water making it hard to focus. Ashley did a nice job. We also have video of the paramecium. I will post that video so be checking back.